Solar BuyBack Solution

Maximize the return on your solar panel investment.

Benefits of Optimizing A Solar BuyBack Plan

Net Metering Terms Review

Steps to Maximize Your Solar Savings

FAQ: Solar BuyBack Solution

What is a solar buyback plan?

A solar buyback plan compensates you for excess energy generated by your renewable energy system that is sent back to the grid.

How does the solar buyback process work?

When your solar system generates more energy than your home consumes, the excess energy is sent to the grid. This energy is measured by a bi-directional meter, and you earn credits at the buyback rate for the kWh exported.

What is the benefit of a 1:1 buyback ratio?

A 1:1 buyback ratio ensures you receive equal compensation for the energy you send to the grid as the rate you pay for energy you consume. This maximizes your savings and offsets your energy costs effectively.

What happens to unused buyback credits?

Unused credits are banked and automatically applied to future bills to offset energy charges. They cannot be redeemed for cash or transferred.

What is a bi-directional meter, and why is it required?

A bi-directional meter tracks energy flowing both into and out of your home. It is essential for measuring excess energy for buyback credits.

Can my price change during the contract period?

The price remains fixed except for changes in Transmission and Distribution Utility (TDU) charges, administrative fees, or new federal, state, or local fees outside of Ambit Energy’s control.

What is included in the electricity price?

The price includes the base charge, energy charges, and delivery charges. Buyback credits offset energy charges but exclude base and delivery charges

What happens if I install a new solar system?

If your system is new, it may take up to three billing cycles for your first meter read. Credits will only be applied after the meter read is processed. For more tailored solutions and inquiries, please reach out to "Ask For Energy Solutions."

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